About the Journal
Jurnal Ruhul Islam is an academic journal that focuses on Islamic studies integrated with Science, or Science integrated with Islamic studies, to accommodate and contribute innovative and creative ideas from researchers, academics, and practitioners who care about the integration of Islam and sciencies. This journal is published twice a year, in March and September, by Ruhul Islam Departement of YARSI University.
Current Issue
Jurnal Ruhul Islam is an academic journal that focuses on Islamic studies integrated with Science, or Science integrated with Islamic studies, to accommodate and contribute innovative and creative ideas from researchers, academics, and practitioners who care about the integration of Islam and sciencies. This journal is published twice a year, in March and September, by Ruhul Islam Departement of YARSI University.
Full Issue
Tanggung Renteng Perusahaan Grup Perspektif Hukum Perusahaan dan Hukum Islam
Abstract views: 195 times Downloaded: 179 times
Aspek Psikologis pada Ayat-ayat Mengenai Kesabaran dalam Al-Quran
Abstract views: 210 times Downloaded: 81 times
Silver Lining Dibalik Misi Kenabian Nuh AS (Studi Komparatif Al-Qur’an dan Bibel)
Abstract views: 73 times Downloaded: 41 times
Ikhtiar Sehat dan Usia Panjang Ditinjau dari Aspek Biomedik dan Islam
Abstract views: 152 times Downloaded: 70 times
Efek Proteksi Mendengarkan, Membaca, dan Menghafal Al-Qur'an terhadap Demensia
Abstract views: 192 times Downloaded: 128 times
Studi Anotasi Putusan Pengadilan Agama yang Menolak Gugatan Pembatalan Hibah karena Mengandung Kontra Prestasi
Abstract views: 122 times Downloaded: 42 times