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About the Journal
The JECI Journal (Journal of Entrepreneurship and Community Innovations) is a scientific journal that publishes articles resulting from community service twice a year (August and February). This journal is published by the community service department, Faculty of Economics and Business, YARSI University. The focus of this journal is community service and the scope of collaborative governance, sustainable development, participatory development, creative economy, social engineering, conflict management, transfer of knowledge for community development, actualization of local wisdom and culture, sustainable livelihoods, technology transfer, globalization and social transformation, inclusive development, competency and entrepreneurship development, community economic development, and digital information literacy.
JECI menggunakan continous publication systems
Free APC/Author Fee
Current Issue
Pemanfaatan Pelepah Pisang Sebagai Inovasi Keripik Sehat dan Ramah Lingkungan
Abstract views: 29 times
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Science and Technology-Based Mosque Financial Report Preparation Training for Mosque Administrators (Ta'mir)
Abstract views: 19 times
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Inovasi Jambu Kristal Upaya Diversifikasi Produk Petani Desa Bantar Sari Kabupaten Bogor DIVERSIFIKASI
Abstract views: 14 times
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Hibah Dan Pelatihan Penggunaan SIDETOM Kepada Gapoktan Pada Desa Rasau Jaya Satu
Abstract views: 15 times
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Revitalisasi Perpustakaan sebagai Pusat Literasi di SDN Sukamulya 01
Abstract views: 20 times
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