Science and Technology-Based Mosque Financial Report Preparation Training for Mosque Administrators (Ta'mir)
Accounting, Financial Reports, Mosque, Training, Ta'mirAbstract
Mosques often face a paradox of appearing to lack funds, especially for construction or renovation, despite having aggregate funds that remain unclear. This issue arises because most mosques lack the capability to prepare financial reports, which, if consolidated, would provide a clearer picture of the available funds. To address this, mosque administrators require accounting training to ensure transparency and better fund management. Such training was conducted for 20 administrators from 10 mosques in Cempaka Putih, Jakarta, involving two stages: four theory sessions and one practical session with exercises. The results were encouraging, as participants' pre- and post-test scores showed significant improvement. This demonstrates their increased understanding of financial reporting. The training aims to equip mosques with the skills to prepare systematic and transparent financial reports. The managerial implications are profound, promoting professionalism and accountability in mosque financial management. By mastering financial reporting methods and leveraging technology, administrators can present clear, accurate financial information to the congregation and stakeholders. Over time, this approach is expected to address funding challenges and enhance trust in financial governance.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Akhyar Adnan, Andri Gunawan, Auliffi Ermian Challen, Hesty Juni Tambuati Subing

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