What is affecting Muslim to Subscribing Halal Restaurant?


  • Andika Nuraga Budiman Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas YARSI



Perception of Muslim customers, Halal Restaurant, Halal Logo


The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of Muslim costumers who always subscribing Halal restaurant without any doubt whenever they find Halal logo in restaurant or without it. This research is already finished with supported of SPSS ver.23. 200 respondents were giving the contribution to make this research. The sample section of the research was took by convenience sample as located in Bogor, as well as Muslim Bogor which they already understand about role of Halal in their life. Independent variables have been designed using Halal logo and Advertising. The result shows that despite all the hypothesis testing were investigate significantly, the mediation of consumer’s attitude was significantly mediate them to subscribe Halal restaurant. Which is the Muslim of Bogor were keep the Islam rule as an obligation to always consume permissible food and beverage in guarantee Halal in restaurant.


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How to Cite

Budiman, A. N. (2021). What is affecting Muslim to Subscribing Halal Restaurant?. Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis Dan Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 53–69. https://doi.org/10.33476/jobs.v1i2.1687