Pengaruh Frekuensi Olahraga terhadap Indeks Massa Tubuh pada Mahasiswa dan Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI Angkatan 2013 dan 2014
Frequency of exercise, Sports, Body Mass IndexAbstract
The frequency of exercise is one of the factors that affect body mass index
(BMI). The frequency of exercise of each person is varies in a week. This
research discusses the effect of frequency of exercise on BMI on the
student of Faculty of Medicine YARSI Univeristy 2013 and 2014
generations. In this research, a sample of 86 people with cross sectional
research methods by filling out a questionnaire and measured the height
and weight then these data are processed using Chi Square statistical
test. From the results, the average frequency of exercise is in the medium
category which is 2-3 times a week. In the Chi Square statistical test
obtained P value 0.272 (p more than 0.05) on the male student and P value 0649 (p more than 0.05) on the female students. It was not statistically significant relationship exists between the frequency of exercise on BMI. BMI is not only influenced by the frequency of exercise per person. There are many factors that affect that is genetic, nutritional, environmental, and disease. Additional research can be expected to do further research to include other factors that affect BMI.