neuromusculoskeletal pain, psychiatric disorder, comorbidityAbstract
This study describe comorbid psychiatric disorder especially in depressive disorder, anxiety disorder and sleep disturbance in chronic neuromusculoskeletal pain patients.
The aim of this study is to measure the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in choric neuromusculoskeletal pain.
Cross sectional study with consecutive sampling method is used in this study. The data are collected in the neurology clinic in Atma Jaya Hospital, Jakarta between July – December 2015. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) V criteria was used to diagnose the psychiatric condition.
The data were obtain from 55 study samples, consist of 12 males (21,8%), 43 females (78,2%). Thirty of them are is more than or equal 60 years old (55%) and 25 are is less than 60 years old (45%). The most common is low back pain 30 patients (55%). Non-neuropathic pain 12 patients (22%), and neurophatic pain 43 patients (78%). The most common pain intensity is severe, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) is more than or equal 8 (43%). The most common psychiatric disorder is insomnia (20%), followed by anxiety and insomnia (16,3%), and anxiety (12,7%).
Majority of chronic pain has psychiatric disoder comorbidity, coexisting condition should be considered in evaluation, diagnosis, and therapy.
Chronic pain usually accompanied by psychiatric disorder, so thorough evaluation, diagnosis and therapy have to be fully addressed to achieve optimum functionality and good quality of life.
Next study should collect samples from some hospitals and design the analitic study that can explain association between factors that can influence the comorbidity
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