The Role of Self-Control on Aggressiveness of Street Children Aged 10-12 Years


  • Riselligia Caninsti Fakultas Psikologi Universitas YARSI
  • Tiara Saradarsih Fakultas Psikologi Universitas YARSI


aggressiveness, street children, self-control


Based on data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service in 2020, in the Jakarta Capital Region, there were around 221 street children. The current condition of street children tends to be negative, they are familiar with violence, crime, bullying, theft, and harassment. This condition shows a low level of self-control in street children. Low self-control is the effect of the harsh street environment, where street children are required to provide for and defend themselves in street life, which makes it difficult for them to exercise control over themselves. This research was conducted using a questionnaire aimed at 92 street children, aged 10-12 years, who live in the Jakarta area. The scale of aggressiveness refers to Buss & Perry (agression questionnaire), and the self-control scale refers to the scale developed by Tangney, Baumeister & Boone, which states that there are five scopes of self-control. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a role for self-control towards aggressiveness in street children aged 10-12 years in Jakarta. The results showed that self-control has a low negative correlation to aggressiveness (correlation value: -0.243). Then the results of the regression analysis show the role of self-control on the aggressiveness will see from R-value at 0.059 or 5.9%. This score shows that the variation of the self-control variable used in the model can explain 5.9% of the variation in the aggressiveness variable, and the rest is explained by other variables not included in the research model.

Author Biography

Riselligia Caninsti, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas YARSI


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How to Cite

Caninsti, R., & Saradarsih, T. (2024). The Role of Self-Control on Aggressiveness of Street Children Aged 10-12 Years. Jurnal Psikogenesis, 12(1), 19–30.


