An Overview of Mental Health Awareness, Information Access, and Experience of Mental Health Services in Indonesia


  • Mirasstity Akacia Putri Seribu Tujuan Community University of Melbourne
  • Iqbal Bimantoko Komunitas Seribu Tujuan, Universitas Surabaya
  • Nezzia Herton Komunitas Seribu Tujuan, University of Melbourne, Deakin University
  • Ratih Arruum Listiyandini Komunitas Seribu Tujuan, Universitas YARSI, University of New South Wales (UNSW)


Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Information, Treatment Accessibility, Treatment Experience, Treatment Maintenance


The study aims to examine mental health issues in Indonesia in several aspects including individuals’ awareness of mental health, individuals’ experience when accessing mental health information, services, and treatment as well as maintenance behavior after receiving treatment. This study is conducted using the cross-sectional method with a quantitative approach. The survey was distributed via social media platforms, and was completed by a total of 406 participants, ranging from 18-25. Data were then analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique.  Findings of the study include: 1) individuals’ awareness of the issue surrounding mental health was relatively high, 2) accessibility of mental health information was good although, may be further improved, 3) stigma surrounding mental disorders, financial hardships, and poor access to mental health professionals/therapists, are the deterring factors for receiving treatments, 4) there are many strategies to improve treatment satisfaction, such as community-based interventions, bettering the quality of digital mental health platforms, as well as the quality and quantity of mental health professionals across Indonesia. Overall, despite high individual awareness of mental health and accessibility to mental health information, there were many gaps identified within the mental health care in Indonesia that can massively benefit from interventional programs.

Author Biography

Ratih Arruum Listiyandini, Komunitas Seribu Tujuan, Universitas YARSI, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

School of Psychology


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How to Cite

Putri, M. A., Bimantoko, I., Herton, N., & Listiyandini, R. A. (2023). An Overview of Mental Health Awareness, Information Access, and Experience of Mental Health Services in Indonesia. Jurnal Psikogenesis, 11(1), 14–28.


