The need of land to stay at residence always makes a prcblem for
society. We often find the separated of the land that obeys fhe
regulation at that time depends on the need af the owner, especialty the
place to stay, They consisf of the decoration of the environment such
as roads, drainage and public facilities, There was a constiiution from
the Head of the Land National Committee no 4 at 1gg1 about the
consolidation of land to arrange the land sysfem and environment, The
aim is to anticipate or prevent from the lack of disorder or slum area in
the location of the research at the district of Sidoardjo. tf we let it, we
, have a problem in every aspect. The benefit that we got from this
research can be expected to contribute th'e ideas of the development
from the srdes of the land and land construction especiarty about the
layr,of the land consolidation that related to the consolidation of the tand
in tswns that used to stay, Beside that, the benefit of ttte resoarch is for
contextual contributisn to the institution or government institution that
handles the land field and land consolidation, The analyze of this
research has been got from the primer data or secondary data by using
the qualitative approach that emphasized to descriptive analyzes
based on sociology jurisdiction research, Tho result of the research
pressed the implementation of land consolidation of towns fo houses in
the district of sidoardjo, lt is in the regulation of the Head of rhe rand
national institution no 4 at 1991 according to the concept of the pran of
the location sysfem of area (RTRW) the district of Sidoardjo, The
implementation of this land consolidation has been done with the
sysfem of self-supporting people. The problems come in the program of
the land consolidation to stay can be handled by the people,
Keywords : land consolidation, urban, residence