Defisiensi antibodi primer dan hubungannya dengan kelainan kulit


  • Maria Magdalena Sub Bagian Alergi dan Imunologi, Bagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin
  • Alwi Mappiasse Sub Bagian Alergi dan Imunologi, Bagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin

Kata Kunci:

Primary antibody deficiency, B cell, Immunoglobulin replacement therapy


Primary antibody deficiency is the most abnormality found in primary immunodeficiency. It is caused by function defect and cell B development which antibody production. it is commonly found on baby and children, except common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) which mostly on adult. Cutaneous manifestaion caused by primary antibody deficiency, not specific, and not as many as other defeciency like cell T deficiency. Cutaneous abnormality caused by bacterial infection is the main problem beside atopy and autoimmune disease. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy has a important role in primer antibody deficiency management.





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