Post-Stroke Iskemik, Hipertensi, Gangguan Fungsi Kognitif, MoCA-Ina, CDTAbstract
Stroke can affect a functional impairment of brain, called cognitive impairment. Incident of cognitive impairment increase three times after stroke, and sometimes involved impairment of visuospatial, memories, language, attention, and executive function.
Study was reformed with Cross-Sectional method. The data divided into two types, primary data used Montreal Cognitive Assessment Indonesian version (MoCA-Ina) with Clock Drawing Test (CDT), and secondary data used Stroke Registry (2010-2017 period) with medical record of Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta. The collected data were analyzing with descriptive analysis (univariate), followed by chi square test (bivariate), and logistic regression for multivariate analysis.
The sample that be collected were 110 samples, consist of 72 men (65%) and 38 women (34.5%). Most ages that participate this research are 51-60 years with 36 patients (32.7%). There were 75 patients (68.2%) with cognitive impairment (MoCA 26) and 35 patients (31.8%) without cognitive impairment (MoCA is more than or equal 26). In bivariate analysis, it was found that hypertension (OR: 1.02; CI: 0.70-1.49; p: 0.823) did not affect the occurrence of cognitive impairment in ischemic post-stroke patients. In the multivariate analysis, onset, recurrent stroke, number of lesions, parietal lesions, and temporal lesions are associated with cognitive impairment on post-stroke ischemic patient.
There is no correlation between hypertension and cognitive impairment on post-stroke ischemic patient
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