Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Dalam Dan Luar Rumah Dengan Kejadian Filariasis Di Jatisampurna Bekasi
filariasis, lingakungan, dalam dan luar rumahAbstract
Filariasis is a disease caused by infection with the nematode parasite that is spread in Indonesia. Although the disease is rarely fatal, but can reduce the productivity of sufferers since the onset of physical disorders. One of the provinces also experienced an increase in cases, namely West Java, especially the city of Bekasi is endemic filariasis second highest. The highest case was found in Jatisampurna Bekasi 217 cases, that made Jatisampurna as a contributor to most cases in 1999-2008. Of several risk factors, environmental influence on the distribution of filariasis cases and the chain of transmission is either directly or indirectly, due to environmental factors can support the survival of the host, the host reservoir and vector, so it is important to know the epidemiological filariasis.
To determine the relationship between the physical environment inside and outside the home with the incidence of filariasis.
This research method using analytic method with cross sectional approach, observation or data collection at once at a time (one point time approach) .Population in this study are all the houses in RW 02 Kelurahan Jatisampurna Kecamatan Jatisampurna Kota Bekasi with environmental samples inside and outside physical existing homes after the approval of the owner. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire.
The results showed the incidence of filariasis in Jatisampurna as many as 10 respondents (33.3%) of the 30 respondents diagnosis of filariasis. In this study, the most influential environmental component inside the house is the vent closed with a wire p value = 0.045 and the roof of the house is closed using the ceiling with p value = 0.030. And the physical environment outside the home with the incidence of filariasis is a pool with a p-value of 0.020.There is a relationship between physical environmental factors inside and outside of the house with the incidence of filariasis in RW 02, Kelurahan Jatisampurna Kecamatan Jatisampurna Kota Bekasi
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