Pengaruh Konseling Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan Bayi Di Puskesmas Karang Pule Tahun 2017
Konseling ASI Eksklusif, Peningkatan Berat Badan BayiAbstract
Puskesmas Karang Pule in 2014 and 2015 had decreased Exclusive breastfeeding described from the coverage of Exclusive Breastfeeding and it is one of the first lowest in Health Centers area of Mataram. The Lack of Exclusive breastfeeding from mother to baby affects the baby's weight loss.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of exclusive breastfeeding counseling on the increase of infant weight in Puskesmas Karang Pule in Year 2017.
This research used Pre Experimental research design with One Group Pretest - Posttest approach. The population in this study were all breastfeeding mothers with 1-5 months old infants at the Puskesmas Karang Pule when the research conducted using purposive sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Instruments of this study are flipcharts, leaflets, breastfeeding aid help sheets and Breastfeeding study form according to Gulo, 2010. Data analysis used Univariate analysis with mean and median of each variable. SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) program is used as a Bivariate analysis by testing the hypothesis using T Dependent test (Paired T test).
The weight of 30 babies before being given a counseling was 5,712 and total increase of 30 babies’ weight is 0.889. The hypothesis shows that there is influence of Exclusive breastfeeding counseling on infant weight gain at 5% significant level with the influence of R (correlational) 0.901.
It can be concluded that there is an effect of Exclusive breastfeeding counseling on the increase of infant weight at Puskesmas Karang Pule in 2017
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