Pengaruh Metode Pijat Endorphine Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Nifas Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gunung Sari Tahun 2017


  • Lia Arian Apriani Politeknik Kesehatan Mataram

Kata Kunci:

Kecemasan ibu nifas, masa nifas, metode pijat endorphine


Postpartum period is the most serious period in maternal and neonatal life. It is estimated that 60% maternal mortality are caused by pregnant and postnatal period. Moreover, 40% of maternal mortality is occur in the first 24 hours. In this period, postpartum mothers are in the phases of adaptation including taking in, taking hold, and letting go, which are called pshycological changes. This case has the most important contribution in postpartum period because postpartum mothers become more sensitive. Endorphine massage uses technique of touch and light massage which can increase the release of endorphine hormone that is important for postpartum mothers to get them relaxed and comfortable in order to decrease anxiety.

This study was conducted in Local Goverment Health Center of Gunung Sari. The research applied was Quasi Experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The intervention of this research is endorphine massage. The subject in this research is postpartum mothers in Local Goverment Health Center of Gunung Sari that met the specific criteria. Study sample consisted of 30 postpartum mothers which was divided into 2 groups, 15 postpartum mothers as intervention respondents and the other 15 postpartum mothers as the control respondents.

The result of the Independent Sample t Test showed that the level of anxiety of postpartum mothers decrease as it was proven by the p value 0,000 is less than 0,05 that means endorphine massage method is significant to decrease the level of anxiety of postpartum mothers.

The endorphine massage method is significant in decreasing the level of anxiety of postpartum mothers in Local Goverment Health Center of Gunung Sari


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