Efektivitas Hipolipidemia dan Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Binahong pada Tikus Putih yang Diinduksi Pakan Hiperkolesterol
hipolipidemia, antioksidan, ekstrak daun binahong (EDB)Abstract
Heart and blood vessels disease are the leading cause of death. The main risk factors for heart disease include dyslipidemia. Now there are many hypolipidemic drugs have adverse side effects. Therefore, currently many developed herbal medicine, One of the herbal medicine used is the Basella alba leaves (BAL). The purpose of this study was to find out whether extract of BAL (EBAL) had an effect on lowering LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) and serum Malondealdehyde (MDA) levels in hypercholesterol-fed rats. Samples used 24 rats, divided into 6 groups: negative control (CMC 1 %), positive control (Atorvastatin), positive control (Vitamin C), Extract of BAL 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dose in a row 500 mg/KgBW, 1.000 mg/KgBW, and 1.500 mg/KgBW. Paired-samples T-test showed EBAL and positive control groups significantly lower LDL-C and MDA level (p is less than or equal 0.05). Furthermore, the difference of LDL-C and MDA value before and after intervention were analyzed with one-way ANOVA test. EBAL and positive control groups had a significant difference between groups (p is less than or equal 0.05). Furthermore, the datas of LDL-C and MDA value were analyzed with Post Hoc test and there was a significant difference between all variance EBAL’s doses and positive control groups when compared with negative control group (p is less than or equal 0,05). All variance BAL’s doses have hypolipidemic effect and antioxidant activity. EBAL also has similar effect with atorvastatin dan vitamin C. Kaempherol, saponin flavonoid, tanin, and polyphenol that is contained likely contribute to these pharmacologic effects.
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