Gambaran Perilaku Berisiko Penyakit Kanker di Desa Pangkalan dan Desa Rancailat, Provinsi Banten
Perilaku berisiko, kankerAbstract
Lifestyle factors including diet and physical activity were known to be the major factors causing cancer. Cancer was one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2012, about 8.2 million deaths were caused by cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of cancer risk behavior. Type of research design used in this research was cross sectional research with survey method. The study population were residents in the Pangkalan and Rancailat villages. Quota sampling was used in this study. Based on the research, it was found that from 85 respondents, low risk behavior was 62 people (72,9%) and high risk behavior was 23 people (27,1%). Based on the National Cancer Institute the use of tobacco or smoking was a major cause of cancer and deaths from cancer while the consumption of flavoring increases the risk and speed of growth of cancer cells. It was necessary to spread the information about risky behavior on cancer disease to community
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