Empati Mahasiswa Kepaniteraan IKM FK YARSI Pada Acara Jumat Barokah


  • Erlina Wijayanti



empati, mahasiswa kedokteran


Empathy is important in ensuring the quality of the patient-physician relationship. Several studies have concluded that empathy declines during medical training, especially during the third year. Public health department of YARSI University tries to increase students’ empathy by involving them in Jumat Barokah programme. The programme consists of “Tausiyah” and rice packets distribution to those in need near YARSI University area. This programme is held in every Friday. The purpose of this study is to describe the student empathy in Jumat Barokah event. This is a qualitative research. The population is clerkship medical students of YARSI University at March 2017. Sampling methode chosen is total sampling (estimation 50 people). Data collected by using in-depth interview. The qualitative data were analyzed by open coding, selective coding and define the main categories. Respondents involved in as many as 50 people, consist of 13 men and 37 women. Respondents’ age ranged 21-26 years. Students involved from fifth-sixth year. Empathy perceived among students such as happy, feel the difficulties of the orphans, sad because there are still many people can not afford, want to be useful for others, and feel ashamed of myself. Suggested further research to assess the increase of students’ empathy


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