Perbandingan Efektifitas Chitosan Sisik Ikan Bandeng Dengan Gentamisin Terhadap Perkembangan Escherichia Coli
Chitosan, Ikan Bandeng, Gentamisin, E. coliAbstract
Every infection caused bacteria in treatment necessary antibiotic substances. The use of antibiotics has reported resistance in all bacteria important pathogens because the use of inappropriate. Indonesia is maritime states having natural resources fisheries. besides the flesh can be consumed, single scale having benefits as antimicroba. Chitosan is a polysaccharide from the deasetilasi chitin, obtained in exoskeletons fish and animal skin Crustacea. Chitosan having the nature of antimicroba capable of inhibiting microorganisms like a fungus and bacteria having a functional amines. The purpose of this research is to find effectiveness in comparison chitosan scales a fish with antibiotics gentamicin to the development of E. Coli. This research is laboratory experimental with the post test only control group design. The result of this research shows differences in significantly between Chitosan with gentamicin to the development of bacteria E. Coli the first trust 95% with this One Way ANOVA stating the welfare between Chitosan and gentamicin of 0,000 (p is less than 0.05). Conclusion this research, Chitosan having a level the effectiveness of a high by concentration of the 0.25%. But in concentration 0.25% is still below the ability antibiotic gentamicin showing the rate of zone obstruent higher than chitosan by concentration of the 0.25%References
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