Optimizing Collagenase, Fetal Bovine Serum, and Insulin to Isolate, Proliferate, and Differentiate Rat Preadipocyte in vitro
obesity, culture media, implant tissue, adipocyte precursor, proliferationAbstract
BackgroundThe aim of this study is to develop a method for optimal in vitro proliferation and differentiation of rat adipocyte. MethodsPreadipocyte were isolated from omentum of Rattus norvegicus Wistar using Collagenase type I dan II (Sigma). Cells were cultured in M199 culture containing either 0%, 8% or 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). Insulin were added into the media once the cells attached to the culture plate Proliferating and differentiated cells were counted and analysed by using Oil Red O dan Hematoxylen (HE) staining. Results This study demonstrated that adipocyte could be isolated using Collagenase type I but not type II. The addition of 10% FBSsignificantly increased the number of preadipocyte and differentiation of adipocyte more than those of 8% FBS and without FBS. The timing of FBS addition was best performed on day 8 using 10% FBS. Specific adipocyte staining using Oil Red O revealed thatthere were core lipids in mature adipocyte. ConclusionsCollagenase tipe I could be used to isolate preadipocyte cells. Supplementation of culture media with 8-10% FBS could enhance the in vitro proliferation of preadipocyte. Standard media M199 containing 10% FBS and insulin may provide an environment to differentiate preadipocyte specifically into adipocyte in vitro.References
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