Model jejaring penanganan tuberkulosis paru dokter swasta dan pemerintah tingkat kelurahan di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan
National tuberculosis program, networking model, TB cadre, private physician, local government, millenium development goal’sAbstract
As of 2006, National Tuberculosis Program did not reach the Millenium Development Goal’s target in Case Detection Rate of 70%, especially in South Sumatera. This was caused by failure in implementing policies into applicable programs.”The Networking of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control of Private Physician and Governmental Health Service at Subdistrict level in South Sumatera” involved and empowered four components in Tuberculosis Control Program especially community, Private Practitioner, subdistrict and district local authority, and district tuberculosis program. This study included model development followed by intervention of the invented model. Ilir Barat II district was used as the experiment group, while the district of Seberang Ulu II as the control group. In addition, district and subdistrict governments developed an organization “Networking of Ilir Barat II district tuberculosis eradication program” by the decree of called District Head with the main objective to achieve “Tuberculosis free Neighborhood”. The result of the intervention study showed significant increase in Tuberculosis Success Indicator of Tuberculosis Control Program. Consequently, the application of the model would hasten the objectives of reaching target range of tuberculosis control, suggested by Millenium Development Gold and WHO target Zone. Finally the invented indicator program of intervention, applied to Palembang city and South Sumatera will reach approximately 100% of conversion rate in 2008 and 100% of cases detection rate in 2010.References
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