Effectiveness of Brand Image, Content Marketing, and Quality Product on Purchase Decision of J-GLOW Products
word #1, word #2, word #3 brand image#1, content marketing#2, product quality#3, purchasing decisions#4Abstract
This study intends to investigate the relationship between brand image, content marketing, and product quality in influencing Surabaya consumers' decisions to purchase J-GLOW skin care and cosmetic items. This study employed a quantitative survey methodology. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze an association between brand image and purchasing the J-GLOW product. The content marketing variable has no relationship with J-GLOW product purchase decisions. Meanwhile, product quality influences the choice of the J-GLOW skin care product. It is indicated by the fact that the F-count value is greater than the F-table value (22,763 > 3,10), and the actual value is less than the alpha value (0.000 0.05). It demonstrates that characteristics such as brand image (X1), content marketing (X2), and product quality (X3) have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. According to the findings of the study, the brand image (X1), content marketing (X2), and product quality (X3) variables had a 45.7% impact on the decision to purchase J-GLOW products. Additional factors influenced the remaining 54,3%.
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