The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Sleep Duration on The Incidence of Obesity in Children under Five in Central Jakarta and The Review of Islamic Perspective
Toddler, Obesity, Physical Activity, Sleep DurationAbstract
Introduction: The excessive buildup of fat, known as obesity, can negatively affect health. In 2020, there will be 38.9 million overweight children under the age of five worldwide. 7.8% of toddlers in DKI Jakarta are fat, compared to 7.04% in central Jakarta. A variety of factors cause obesity. The two most important factors are insufficient sleep time and physical exercise. Methodology: This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional design. The study population was toddlers in Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, a total of 70 people. Results: The results showed that 33 people (47.1%) were ordinary, four people (5.7%) were at risk of being overweight, three people (4.3%) were fat, and 30 people (42.9%) were obese. Moderate physical activity was found in 15 people (50%) normal and 15 people (50%) obese. At the same time, physical activity is less, with as many as 18 people (45%) ordinary and 22 people (55%) obese. Found adequate sleep duration in 21 people (63.648%) were ordinary, and 12 (36.36%) were obese. At the same time, the rest period is seen in as many as 12 people (32.43%) normal and 25 people (67.57%) obese. P=0.810 and p=0.016 show differences in physical activity and sleep duration in obese toddlers. Conclusion: In toddlers in the Sawah Besar District of Central Jakarta, there is a meaningful association between sleep duration and the incidence of obesity (p=0.016) and no relationship between physical activity and the incidence of obesity (p=0.810) with an Odd Ratio value of 1.222.References
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