The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of teaching institutions in Indonesia. The term documentation in the Indonesian library and information Sciences (LIS), which is a translated version of the word “documentatie,” was introduced in the early 1950s by the Training Course for Library Staff as an activity that involves the acquisition, processing, storage and retrieval of documents. Furthermore, the method adopted historically involves the examination of existing historical sources, usually articles, institutional reports, examining textbooks. Moreover, it was reported that documentation is different from library activities, which subsequently extended to the application in government offices. This variation impacts on the daily life, based on the fact that documentation is more concerned with on non-printed materials, laying emphasis on the processing of newspapers and journals, and the movement towards natural sciences. Conversely, the library is concerned with printed data on books, with works that are limited to social sciences and humanities. However, the growing impacts of internet information technology on librarianship and research progress in the aspect of related sciences lead to a query on the similarity and variation between both terms in Indonesia. In the mid-2010s, the Ministry of Research and Higher Education issued a regulation under the auspices of Information Sciences cluster, insinuating the existence of programs, which include (1) Information Science and (2) Library and Information Science (LIS). This paper, however, accepted the concept of variation between Information Science, LIS and documentation, leading to the submission of some suggestions based on its content as a course study in Indonesia. Furthermore, there are no mentions of documentation in this dimension, owing to its obsolete modified meanings.
Keywords: Library and Information Sciences, LIS Education, Education program, Documentation Term
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